Monday, April 30, 2012

J'Mael's Graduation Portraits, Part II

J'Mael took his "casual dress" session this Friday around the time the severe thunderstorm was leaving the area.  You can see the dark cloud background from the storm in his first shot.  The second shot was not planned as we were finished with the session and they were getting ready to leave.  I rushed in to get the camera so we wouldn't miss this awesome rainbow that was in the east.  The fourth shot J'Mael and J'Nessa are making finger signals to signify the Class of 2012.  That was totally their idea!  I had a lot of fun with this brother and sister this year.  They made my job so rewarding.  Be looking out for J'Nessa's casual shots soon.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are awesome!:)i love the rainbow one:)great job-Sis. Jackie
