Saturday, March 11, 2017

Weston's Cap and Gown Portraits

We used three different backgrounds in Weston's cap and gown session. A light gray background that we used with window light, then for the studio lighting we used a blue background and finished up with a brown background.  Those three colors seemed to go well with his dark navy blue cap and gown with gold stole and tassel.  I've included all of Weston's favorites but I personally think he looks awesome in the first one shown below!!!  Weston, we all had a lot of fun with your sessions and my "assistant" :) and I are so proud of you!  We feel privileged to have captured these moments during this special time in your life! May God richly bless you in all your future endeavors!!!

1 comment:

  1. My Weston is all grown up!! Ah! The tears won't stop coming 😭😭! Lol😂
